Multnomah County Republican Party

Bylaws of the Multnomah County Republican Party

The following Bylaws were adopted at the Biennial Organizational Meeting held on November 18th, 2024 by the Multnomah County Republican Central Committee (MCRCC).

ARTICLE I. General Provisions


The name of this organization shall be the Multnomah County Republican Party, hereinafter referred to as MCRP. The governing body of the MCRP is the Multnomah County Republican Party Central Committee, hereinafter referred to as the MCRPCC.

SECTION 2. Objectives

The objective of the MCRP is to accomplish the following:

  • Elect Republicans to public office who promote the Oregon Republican Party Platform.
  • To make the Republican Party the number one national party in Multnomah County by insuring growth of the Republican Party through voter registration and volunteer forces.
  • To lead, contribute, and participate in the establishment of a Republican Party organization that is an effective vehicle for setting public policy through its platform.
  • To coordinate, encourage, and assist county growth through its precincts.
  • To plan, organize, administer, and finance the MCRPCC’s operations to accomplish the other stated objectives.
  • Accomplish other stated purposes to which the MCRPCC has agreed.

SECTION 3. Bylaws to Govern MCRPCC

These Bylaws shall become effective upon the adoption by the MCRPCC and shall govern the MCRPCC.

SECTION 4. Order of Authority

In matters of procedure not covered by Oregon Revised Statues (ORS), the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) Bylaws, or these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order 12thEdition shall be the source of parliamentary authority. The MCRPCC is the highest Party authority in the County and has sole authorization to adopt rules or resolutions for all matter of MCRP government. Accordingly, these Bylaws and/or any rules adopted by the MCRPCC from time to time define the manner in which the Party is to be organized and created.


Only portions of ORS 248 in which the ORP Central Committee elects to participate shall also be followed by MCRPCC. Except as otherwise provided by the Bylaws, it is not the intent of the MCRPCC to conform with ORS 248.012 to 248.316, as amended. (See Article III Section 1D.)

SECTION 6. Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year for MCRPCC shall be the calendar year, January 1 through December 31.

ARTICLE II. Membership and Participation in the MCRPCC

SECTION 1. Membership

Membership is limited to Republican Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs). To apply to be a PCP, a Multnomah County resident must be registered as Republican for at least 6 months.

The membership of the MCRPCC shall consist of the following:

  1. All elected and certified PCPs.
  2. All appointed and certified PCPs.

SECTION 2. Election and Appointment of PCPs

  1. In order to provide an equitable manner in which to select members of MCRPCC, the MCRP shall participate in elections for Precinct Committee Persons as provided in ORS 248.015 to 248.029, as amended. Elected PCPS are elected to office every 2 years in even-numbered years by Republicans in their precinct during the May primary. Republicans may file for the election by submitting form SEL105 with the Multnomah County Elections Division. PCP terms last for 2 years. The nominee must receive 3 votes to be elected.
  2. To be appointed a PCP, a candidate must:
  • Be a registered Republican for at least 180 calendar days.
  • Reside in Multnomah County.
  • Be present at the MCRPCC meeting or Executive Committee Meeting at which they are nominated for appointment.
  • Receive a simple majority of votes of the members present who are eligible to vote.

Each nominee shall be allowed 3 minutes to introduce themselves and present why he or she should be appointed a PCP.

SECTION 3. Participation

All members of the MCRPCC are entitled to participate in debate and voting at each meeting of the MCRPCC. However, only elected PCPs are entitled to vote for Officers, Delegates, and Alternate Delegates at the Organizational Meeting. Appointed PCPs may vote to fill any vacancies in officer or delegate position that occur after the organizational meeting.

SECTION 4. Votes

Each member of the MCRPCC shall be entitled to only one vote and must be present at the time of the vote. Appointed PCPs may not vote for officers, delegates, or alternate delegate at the Biennial Organizational Meeting.

SECTION 5. Proxies

Proxies shall in no instance be permitted at any meeting of the MCRPCC.

SECTION 6. Resignations

PCPs desiring to resign shall submit their resignation in writing to the Director of Elections of Multnomah County and a copy to the MCRP Secretary. Oral or third-party resignations are not valid.

SECTION 7. Vacancies

The members of the MCRPCC may fill a vacancy in the office of PCP. No person shall be appointed to the MCRPCC until the Secretary or Chairman has received a signed application form (available on the MCRPCC website) and been confirmed as qualified to hold the office.

SECTION 8. Terms End

Terms end as follows:

  1. Elected PCPs. The term of office of an elected PCP shall be two (2) years beginning from the 24th day after the date of the biennial primary election until the 24th day after the date of the next following biennial primary election. ORS 248.015(6).
  2. Appointed PCPs. PCPs who are appointed shall serve from the time they are approved until the certification of the next following biennial primary election.

ARTICLE III. Officers and Delegates

SECTION 1. Elected Officers and Delegates

  1. At the Organizational Meeting, the following Officers and Delegates shall be elected:
  • Chairman
  • Vice Chairman
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ORP State Central Committee: The number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ORP Central Committee shall be in accordance with ORP Bylaws Article III Section B. The Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be first and second Delegates respectively to the ORP in accordance with ORP Bylaws. Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall be seated in order of number of votes received.
  • House District Captains and Alternate House District Captains, if time allows.
  1. At a Regular or Special Meeting held before the ORP State Convention, Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternate Delegates to the State Convention shall be elected. The number of Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternate Delegates to the ORP State Convention shall be in accordance with the ORP Bylaws. Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternate Delegates shall be seated in order of number of votes received.

SECTION 2. Qualifications for Office

Any member of the MCRPCC is eligible to hold a position as Officer or Delegate of the MCRPCC.

Only members of the PCPs within Multnomah County are eligible to hold a position as Officer or Delegate and Alternate Delegate of the MCRPCC.

SECTION 3. Term of Office

Officers, Delegates, and Alternate Delegates shall be elected at each Biennial Organization Meeting and shall serve until the following Biennial Organizational Meeting, or until a successor is elected.

SECTION 4. Vacancies in Office of Officer, Delegate, or Alternate Delegate

  1. An office shall be declared vacant by the Executive Committee when an Officer, Delegate, or Alternate Delegate is elected to any salaried elective office, resigns, dies, or moves out of Multnomah County. Additionally, an Officer, Delegate, or Alternate Delegate position shall be declared vacant if the person or persons holding that office support a candidate other than the Republican Nominee. Any Delegate or Alternate Delegate who fails to attend three (3) consecutive official meetings without prior notification to the Chairman will be considered as having resigned that position to which they were either elected or appointed.
  2. In the event the office of Chairman becomes vacant, the Vice Chairman shall become Chairman, unless declined by the Vice Chairman, who will serve as interim Chairman until the office is filled either at the next Central Committee meeting or a special meeting called within 50 calendar days of the vacancy for the purpose of electing a new Chairman, whichever comes first.
  3. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to select a “Temporary Officer” to perform the duties of all other vacant officer positions until a successor is elected. The Executive Committee shall promptly notify the membership of the vacancy and the action taken.
  4. When any of the Delegate positions to the Oregon Republican Party State Central Committee shall becomes vacant, the highest-ranked Alternate Delegate to the State Central Committee shall automatically assume the position of Delegate. When a vacancy exists in any of the positions of Alternate Delegate to the State the Central Committee, any lower-ranked Alternate Delegates automatically advance one position in rank, thereby creating a vacancy in the position of the lowest ranked Alternate Delegate. A vacancy in the position of the lowest ranked Alternate Delegate shall be filled temporary by the Executive Committee and the MCRPCC shall vote on this position at their next central committee meeting.
  5. The Executive Committee shall set a date for the election meeting and direct the Secretary (or temporary Secretary) to mail or email the required notices when a vacancy occurs.

SECTION 5. Powers and Duties

The powers and duties of the Officers and Delegates shall be:

A. Chairman

  1. Shall be in general charge of the affairs of the MCRP as authorized by the MCRPCC and the Executive Committee. The Chairman shall promote the interest of the Republican Party.
  2. Shall call meetings as provided in these Bylaws.
  3. Shall appoint, dismiss, supervise, and direct all employees (if any) of the MCRPCC.
  4. May appoint various Standing Committee Chairmen and members of the Committees as stated in Article V.
  5. May appoint various Ad Hoc Committee Chairman and members of the Committees.
  6. Shall report to the membership at each meeting of the MCRPCC. This report shall include a summary of the Chairman’s activities and the actions taken by the Executive Committee during the interval between meetings of the MCRPCC.
  7. May appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms for each meeting.
  8. May appoint a Parliamentarian who has working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order to be present and assist at meetings. The Parliamentarian does not have to be a member of the MCRP.
  9. Shall provide a current copy of the MCRPCC Bylaws to the ORP no later than November 30 of each even numbered year.
  10. Shall, within 5 business days after the county Organizational Meeting, cause notice to be provided, in writing, of the name and contact information of each county Officer, Delegate, and Alternate Delegate to the ORP Central Committee.
  11. Shall, within 5 business days after election, cause notice to be provided to the Director of Elections designating the newly elected County Chairman as the official authorized to communicate with and receive notices from the Director of Elections.
  12. Shall, within 5 business days after election, cause all appropriate forms to be filed with the Secretary of State’s office, which will provide adequate notice to that office of the change in party leadership, and which will officially transfer responsibility for Contribution and Expense reporting to the new Officers.
  13. Shall be enabled to send official notices to members of the Executive Committee and MCRPCC when the Secretary is unavailable to the Chairman.
  14. Shall be an ex officio, non-voting member of all committees, except a Nomination Committee.

B. Vice Chairman

  1. Shall perform such duties as assigned by the Chairman.
  2. Shall assume and perform the duties of the Chairman in the event of the Chairman’s temporary inability to perform the duties of office (with the exception of serving as a Delegate to the ORP.)
  3. Shall become the Chairman when a vacancy of the Chairman position occurs, unless the Vice Chairman declines, then the Vice Chairman shall serve as interim Chairman until a new Chairman is elected.

C. Secretary

  1. Maintain the official records of all proceedings of the MCRP Central and Executive Committees, including but not limited to, meeting minutes and a roll of members present.
  2. Shall take and keep the minutes of all meetings of the MCRPCC and the Executive Committee.
  3. Shall deliver meeting minutes according to the following schedule:
  • Within 10 calendar days of a meeting, deliver draft minutes to the Chairman for review.
  • No later than 10 calendar days after the Chairman’s approval, deliver updated minutes to members of the Executive Committee or MCRPCC as appropriate.
  • Members of the Executive Committee or MCRPCC shall have opportunity at the next scheduled meeting to move to amend or approve the updated draft.
  • Upon final approval by the Executive Committee or MCRPCC, no later than 10 calendar days before the next scheduled meeting, deliver final approved minutes to members of the Executive Committee or MCRPCC.
  1. Shall be responsible for handling general correspondence as directed by the Chairman and/or Executive committee. Shall deliver all notices in accordance with the provisions of Oregon State law, these Bylaws, and directives from the Chairman, the MCRPCC or the Executive Committee.
  2. Shall provide proper notification to the Multnomah County Director of Elections of the appointment of any PCP.
  3. Shall provide proper notification to the Multnomah County Director of Elections of the resignation of any PCP.
  4. Shall maintain a current roster of the membership of the MCRPCC designating whether elected or appointed PCP. The roster shall be in duplicate. The original shall be filed at MCRPCC headquarters (or when there is no headquarters, with the Chairman) and the duplicate shall be kept in the possession of the Secretary.
  5. Shall verify the accuracy of the roster of certified PCPs with the Multnomah County Director of Elections prior to any meeting of the Central Committee.
  6. Shall provide copies of the Bylaws at any Regular Meeting of the MCRPCC.
  7. Shall, prior to the Organizational Meeting, provide nominating petitions as requested.
  8. Shall issue meeting notices according to Article IV Section 6.
  9. Shall maintain a file of all committee reports, including the date received and action taken.
  10. The Secretary shall be responsible for all filings (except the Contribution and Expenditure reports with the Secretary of State and all other treasurer reporting) as required by Oregon Republican Party Bylaws or state statutes, specifically ORS 248.007, 248.012, 248.026, 14248.033, and 248.035.
  11. In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and a provided for temporary chair, then the Secretary shall call the meeting to order and preside until the immediate election of a Chairperson pro tem. (The temporary chair may be suggested by the Chairman and/or Executive Committee but then must be approved by the MCRPCC.)

D. Treasurer

  1. Shall be familiar with law applicable to the position.
  2. Shall be responsible for submitting the required financial statements to the Secretary of State.
  3. Shall act as the fiscal agent of the MCRPCC for the receipt and disbursements of all funds. Money belonging to the MCRPCC shall be deposited and maintained as directed by the Executive Committee.
  4. Shall maintain, and keep in his/her possession, adequate records.
  5. Shall see that the daily journal of receipts is properly maintained and shall pay all authorized bills promptly. In case of doubt as to the authority for paying a bill, the Treasurer shall require a written order from the Chairman.
  6. Shall ensure all checks over $200 issued by the MCRPCC are signed by any two of the following: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Except online checks through the online banking system for monthly or quarterly payments that have been preapproved by or more officers.
  7. Shall give a complete written report at all MCRPCC and Executive Committee Meetings.
  8. Shall prepare a financial report covering the period from January of the year until the latest practicable date prior to the Organizational Meeting. The reports shall be included with the Secretary’s last official notice for the Organizational Meeting. Such report shall be filed at the MCRPCC headquarters, if there is no headquarters then with the Chairman.
  9. Shall be chairman of the Budget Committee and a member of Finance Committee.
  10. Proper and timely invoice and expense documentation will be maintained by the Treasurer consistent with good accounting practices and all applicable laws and reporting requirements.
  11. The Treasurer is entitled to withhold payment of such expenses where insufficient documentation is provided.

E. Delegates to the ORP Central Committee

  1. Must be a member of the MCRPCC.
  2. Becomes a member of the Executive Committee.
  3. Must be a member of a Standing or Ad Hoc Committee.
  4. Shall attend all meetings of the ORP Central Committee as representatives of the MCRPCC. If a Delegate is unable to attend any meeting of the ORP Central Committee, that Delegate shall give timely notification to the Chairman who shall assume the responsibility to see that the absent Delegate is represented by an Alternate Delegate or, if none are available, then the Secretary or Treasurer. If neither the Secretary or Treasurer are available then the missing Delegate may submit a signed proxy form, so that a proxy may represent the MCRPCC.
  5. Shall represent MCRPCC in accordance with the position for which they were elected.

F. Alternate Delegates to the ORP Central Committee

  1. Must be a member of the MCRPCC.
  2. Becomes an alternate member of the Executive Committee when replacing a missing Delegate.
  3. Must be a member of a Standing or Ad Hoc Committee.
  4. The first Alternate Delegate shall attend all meetings of the ORP Central Committee, for the purpose of filling the floor when a Delegate steps away or in case a Delegate cannot make a meeting and fails or is unable to give prior notice.
  5. Alternate Delegates shall attend the meetings of the ORP Central Committee when notified by the Chairman that a Delegate is unable to attend. Whenever Delegates and Alternate Delegates are elected pursuant to these Bylaws, both Delegates and Alternates shall be ranked according to the number of votes cast for them at the election, with the person receiving the most votes being ranked first. Alternate Delegates shall replace Delegates in accordance with their ranking.

G. Bonus Delegates to the ORP State Platform Convention

  1. Must be a member of the MCRPCC.
  2. Shall attend the State Convention as representatives of the MCRPCC. If a Bonus Delegate is unable to attend the State Convention, that Bonus Delegate shall give timely notification to the Chairman who shall assume the responsibility to see that an Bonus Alternate Delegate is present.

H. Bonus Alternate Delegates to the ORP State Platform Convention

  1. Must be a member of the MCRPCC.
  2. The first Bonus Alternate Delegate shall attend the State Convention, for the purpose of filling the floor when a Bonus Delegate steps away or in case a Bonus Delegate cannot make the convention and failed or was unable to give prior notice.
  3. Shall attend the Convention when notified by the Chairman that a Bonus Delegate is unable to attend. Whenever Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternate Delegates are elected pursuant to these Bylaws, both Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternates shall be ranked according to the number of votes cast for them at the election, with the person receiving the most votes being ranked first. Bonus Alternate Delegates shall replace Bonus Delegates in accordance with their ranking.

I. Sergeant-at-Arms

The Sergeant-at-Arms maintains security and decorum in the chamber, the building, and the grounds. The Chairman may appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms before the start of each meeting. The Sergeant-at-Arms must be a member of the MCRPCC.

J. Parliamentarian

The Parliamentarian is an expert in ORS, ORP Bylaws, MCRPCC Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order. The Parliamentarian advises the Chairman on questions relating to these documents brought up by meeting attendees. The Chairman may accept or overrule the opinion of the Parliamentarian. The Chairman may appoint a Parliamentarian before the start of each meeting. The Parliamentarian need not be a member of the MCRPCC.

ARTICLE IV. Meetings Section

SECTION 1. Biennial Organizational Meeting

  1. Upon call of the retiring Chairman, the MCRPCC shall hold an Organizational Meeting no earlier than the day after the General Election, nor later than November 25th, of even numbered years.
  2. Notice of such meetings must be sent no later than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting to all Republican PCPs elected during the Primary Election of that year or appointed pursuant to County rule. A copy of the notice must also be sent to the ORP Central Committee no later than 10 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. The Notice is deemed sent on the day that it is emailed and the day that is delivered to the United States Postal Service for mailing.
  3. The purpose of the meeting is to elect Officers for the MCRPCC and to elect Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ORP Central Committee pursuant to these bylaws. If time allows at this meeting House District Captains and Alternate House District Captains may be elected.
  4. A person appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of PCP may not vote on the election of MCRPCC Officers at the Organizational Meeting but may vote to fill any vacancy after the Organizational Meeting. However, Appointed PCPs may vote for the positions of House District Captains and Alternate House District Captains.
  5. Failure to reorganize shall be remedied according to ORP Bylaws. Failure to organize will mean that all elected and appointed positions will be vacated: officers, delegates, alternate delegates, house district captains, alternate captains, committee chairs and committee members. Failure to organize will also mean that these bylaws and any rules are no longer in effect and new bylaws will have to be adopted at the ORP held meeting to organize. A Failure to Organize means that this county is no longer organized and is like a company completely closing, this means that all past motions, orders, rules, regulations, resolution, support for measures etc. is no longer valid. All such items that needed to continue on will need to be redone in the new organization.
  6. Within 15 business days after the Biennial Organizational Meeting, the Officers of the retiring MCRPCC shall cause all property, records, and funds owned or controlled by the MRCPCC to be delivered to the newly elected officers of the newly organized MRCPCC.

SECTION 2. Executive Committee Regular Meeting

The Executive Committee meets to conduct the operational business of the MCRPCC at least once every 2 months. Meetings are called by the Chairman. The dates of the meeting shall be set by the Executive Committee. Notice of all Executive Committee Meetings shall be sent by the Secretary to all members of the Executive Committee at least 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting date. Composition and voting rights at this meeting are defined in Article V Section 2.

SECTION 3. Central Committee Regular Meeting

The MCRPCC shall convene a minimum of four Regular Meetings per year, one per calendar quarter. The dates of the meeting shall be set by the Executive Committee. Notice of all Regular Meetings shall be sent by the Secretary at the direction of the Chairman to all members of the MCRPCC at least 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

SECTION 4. Special Meeting

Special Meetings of the MCRPCC may be called at the direction of the Chairman with the concurrence of the Executive Committee provided that notice of the Special Meeting is sent by the Secretary to all members of the MCRPCC at least 14 calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting date.

In the event a Special Meeting is for recall of one or more Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) the Secretary’s meeting notice shall declare:

  • The name(s) of the Officer(s), Delegate(s), Alternate Delegate(s), House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) to be recalled.
  • The reasons for removal.

Elections to replace recalled Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) shall take place at the Recall Meeting.

SECTION 5. Petitioned Meeting

The members of the MCRPCC may call themselves into a petitioned meeting by submitting to the Secretary petitions supporting the meeting signed by at least 20% of the PCPs as of the submission date. The petitions must identify the proponents and purpose of the meeting.

The Secretary shall have 10 calendar days to certify that the petitions have the required valid signatures.

Upon certification, the petitioners shall have 10 calendar days to identify a time and place for the petitioned meeting. This meeting must be held at least 25 calendar days, but no more than 40 calendar days, after petition certification. Once the meeting has been scheduled, the Secretary shall have 10 calendar days to send a notice to all members of the MCRPCC setting forth the date, time, and purpose of the meeting. The notice must include copies of the petitions. In the event a Petitioned Meeting is for recall of one or more Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) the Petition shall declare:

  • The name(s) of the Officer(s), Delegate(s), Alternate Delegate(s), House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) to be recalled
  • The reasons for removal.

Elections to replace recalled Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, House District Captain(s), or Alternate House District Captains(s) shall take place at the recall meeting.

SECTION 6. Meeting Notices

  1. All notices shall be in writing specifying time, place, and date of the meeting in accordance with sections above and must be sent to all members of the MCRPCC or Executive Committee. Failure to give the above required notice of the meeting shall invalidate the business of the meeting.
  2. Notification may be sent using electronic formats, if someone has no email notification shall be by first class mail.
  3. If the meeting is for the purpose of a recall, notices must follow the requirements stated in Sections 4 and 5 above.
  4. If the meeting is for amending these Bylaws, notice of the proposed action or a copy of the proposed amendment must accompany the meeting notice.

SECTION 7. Quorum

A quorum shall be reported at all meetings before business is conducted. No business shall be valid unless a quorum is present.

A quorum for all Recall Meetings shall be forty percent (40%) of the number of PCPs.

A quorum for all Executive Committee Meetings shall be a majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee. Where both the House District Captains and Alternate House District Captain for that district are not in attendance at an Executive Committee Meeting that position is not counted in determining quorum. Additionally, where a member holds multiple voting positions on the Executive Committee, only one of those positions shall be considered in the quorum requirement.

A quorum for all other meetings shall be ten percent (10%) of the number of PCPs.

SECTION 9. Majority Vote

Approval of committee business is by simple majority vote unless stated otherwise in these Bylaws.

ARTICLE V. Committees

Any PCP is eligible to hold an appointed committee position.

SECTION 1. The Central Committee

The MCRPCC is the operating committee of the county organization from which all power and authority are derived. Membership is pursuant to Article II of the Bylaws. Any decision made by this committee, if duly presented according to the terms of these Bylaws and in accordance with ORP Bylaws, state, and federal law, has precedence over any other decisions, policy or rule enacted by any other person, officer, organization, or committee in the County organization.

SECTION 2. Executive Committee

Subject to the direction of the MCRPCC, during intervals between MCRPCC meetings, the Executive Committee carries on the business of the MCRP.

A. Composition

The Executive Committee is comprised of the following individuals: Voting Members [elected people only]

  1. Chairman (who is the presiding officer).
  2. Vice Chairman.
  3. Secretary (who is the recording secretary).
  4. Treasurer.
  5. Delegates, (and Alternate Delegates when replacing an absent Delegate).
  6. House District Captain if elected by a majority of PCPs (and Alternate House District Captain when replacing an absent House District Captain).
  7. Immediate Past Chair of MCRP. Provided that Chair was not recalled and is confirmed by the current Executive Committee at the next Executive Committee Meeting following the completion of their term. Only one vote per person is allowed for those holding more than one position.

Non-Voting Members

  1. Alternate Delegates, if not replacing a Delegates.
  2. Alternate House District Captains, if not replacing a House District Captain.
  3. Appointed replacement in the position of Delegate, Alternate Delegate, House District Captain, or Alternate House District Captain.
  4. Chairpersons of Standing or Ad Hoc Committees.

B. Functions

  1. The Executive Committee possesses and exercises all the powers and duties of the MCRPCC except those powers and duties specifically reserved to the MCRPCC by Oregon State Law, ORP Bylaws or these Bylaws during the intervals between meetings of the MCRPCC. The Executive Committee’s power to adopt resolutions on behalf of the members of the MCRPCC between MCRPCC meetings shall require a two-thirds vote.
  2. The Executive Committee may not enter into any lease, employment contract, or other contractual obligation (including a fundraiser) which could exceed their current term of office.
  3. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every 2 months on call of the Chairman.
  4. All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open to all MCRPCC members except when discussing personnel matter, legal matter, or personal matter. Additionally, the meeting may be called into executive session (no guests including PCPs) for any other issue deemed appropriate by the majority of the Executive Committee.
  5. Notice of all Executive Committee Meetings must be sent to all members of the Executive Committee at least 10 calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting. All notices shall specify the time, place and date of the meeting.
  6. Guests shall be allowed if pre-approved by the Chair or by the Executive Committee at the previous meeting.
  7. When necessary, certain business of the Executive Committee may be conducted by mail, conference call, email, or video conference. The Chairman shall give five (5) days’ notice to each member of the Executive Committee of the proposed form of business (whether by mail, conference call, email, or video conference) and the nature of the business to be discussed. In the event a vote is required on any business being conducted, a matter shall be decided by a majority vote of those participating and voting. Matters approved as specified by this provision shall be placed on the agenda and addressed in person at the next regular meeting of the Executive.

SECTION 3. Standing Committees

Standing Committees shall be organized within the MCRPCC for a specific purpose, composition, and function. These Standing Committees shall report on their activities as appropriate at Regular Meetings of the MCRPCC and Executive Committee Meetings. None of the Standing Committees are empowered to expend funds on behalf of the MCRPCC without prior consent of the Executive Committee. Unless otherwise stated herein, the Standing Committees shall consist of a Chairman to be appointed by the MCRPCC Chairman, and at least four additional members to be appointed by the Standing Committee Chairman with the approval of the MCRPCC Chairman. Unless already a voting member, Chairpersons of the Standing Committees are non- voting members of the Executive Committee.

The Standing Committees of the MCRPCC are as follows:

A. The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall develop programs to raise funds for the operation of the MCRPCC and for the benefit of Republican Candidates. The Treasurer is a member of this committee.

B. The Budget Committee

The Treasurer is the chairman of the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall present an annual budget at the January Regular Meeting of the MCRPCC. Copies of the proposed budget shall be mailed to members of the MCRPCC at least 10 calendar days prior to the January meeting or the first Central Committee meeting of the year. The MCRPCC may accept, amend, or reject the proposed budget. If rejected, the Budget Committee shall prepare a new budget report for presentation at the next Regular Meeting of the MCRPCC. If the regular meeting does not occur in January, then the Executive Committee shall approve an interim budget at their first meeting (which must be in January if the central committee does not meet in January) and the interim budget shall be used until a full budget can be adopted by the MCRPCC.

C. The Research Committee

The Research Committee shall collect, assemble, and disseminate information on current public issues and voting trends for the benefit of elected Republicans, Republican candidates and the general members of the MCRPCC.

D. The Precinct Organization Committee

The Precinct Organization Committee shall locate and train persons willing to be appointed as PCPs in their own or adjacent precincts, develop programs to educate PCPs to participate in the political process at all levels, and organize and oversee registration activities.

E. The Candidate Recruitment and Training Committee

The Candidate Recruitment and Training Committee shall locate persons qualified and willing to run as Republican candidates for public office and shall formulate effective programs for preparing those persons to run for office.

F. The Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall perform an informal review and audit of the books and records of the MCRPCC. The committee shall audit the previous fiscal year and submit a report to the Chairman no later than February 15th. The committee may also make recommendations regarding financial policy or procedure. A copy of their report shall be made available to the Executive Committee and a written financial statement shall be made available to each member of the MCRPCC at the next meeting. A complete copy of this report shall be kept at the party’s headquarters or with the Chairman if there is no headquarters.

G. The Voter Integrity Committee

The Voter Integrity Committee shall monitor elections in Multnomah County and keep the MCRPCC informed of problems with the Multnomah County Elections office and in the Legislature.

H. The Publicity Committee

The Publicity Committee shall publicize the activities of the MCRPCC.

I. The Candidate’s Assistance Committee (CAC)

The CAC allocates funds to Republican candidates. Half of the committee members shall be appointed by the Chairman from all MCRPCC members. An equal number of members shall be selected by the Chairman from those persons elected as Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ORP Central Committee. The CAC shall allocate at least 10% of the funds available for candidate assistance evenly between all the Multnomah County Republican candidates running in partisan races who present CAC with campaign information with which to make allocation evaluations. The remaining funds shall be allocated among specific candidates meeting the above criteria according to the need and viability of each candidate. Need and viability shall be determined by CAC.

J. The Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee shall review and maintain Bylaws that are in accordance with all Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS), Oregon Republican Party Bylaws, and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

SECTION 4. Ad Hoc Committees

In addition to the Standing Committees, the MCRPCC Chairman may from time to time appoint various Ad Hoc Committees which shall report to the Executive Committee. Unless already a voting member, members of Ad Hoc Committees are non-voting members of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 5. Nominating Committees

Nominating committees shall (1) develop a roster of candidates for various positions within the MCRP; and (2) be responsible for printing and distributing ballots following close of nominations from the floor.

A. Organizational Meeting


Within 60 calendar days of the Organizational Meeting, the retiring Chairman shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least 5 members who shall elect a committee chairman and secretary from amongst themselves.


The Nominating Committee shall select nominees for the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the ORP. The Nominating Committee shall submit its report to the Secretary of the MCRPCC at least 20 calendar days prior to the date of the Organizational Meeting. The report of the Nominating Committee shall not be subject to any amendment.

B. Regular or Special Meeting

A Regular or Special Meeting may be called for the election of Bonus Delegates and Alternate Bonus Delegates to the State Convention.


Within 60 calendar days of the meeting to elect Bonus Delegates and Alternate Bonus Delegates to the State Convention, the Chairman shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least four members who shall elect a committee chairman and secretary from amongst themselves.


The Nominating Committee shall select nominees for the positions of Bonus Delegates and Bonus Alternate Delegates to the ORP State Convention. The Nominating Committee shall submit its report to the Secretary of the MCRPCC at least 20 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. The report of the Nominating Committee shall not be subject to any amendment.

C. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall act as Nominating Committee to fill any other vacancies. The Chairman does get a vote when the Executive Committee is acting as the Nominating Committee.

SECTION 6. The Credential Committee

The Credential Committee shall consist of the House District Captains. It shall be their responsibility to keep an accurate count of the PCPs registered at each meeting of the MCRPCC. The Chairman of the MCRPCC shall appoint the Chairman of the Credential Committee. All Credentialing reports and materials used to make the report for each meeting shall be given to the Chairman and a copy to the Treasurer, the Credential Committee chair shall also keep a copy.

ARTICLE VI. House District Captains and Area Leaders

SECTION 1. House District Captains

A. Eligibility.

Any registered Republican who is a duly elected or appointed Precinct Committee Person in Multnomah County is eligible to hold position of House District Captain.

B. Duties of a House District Captain

The House District Captains, elected by the MCRPCC or appointed by the Chairman, shall administer programs of material distribution and precinct organization. It is the duty of the House District Captain(s) to act as liaison between the PCPs and the Executive Committee. House District Captains must attend Central and Executive Committee Meetings. House District Captains are voting members of the Executive Committee.

C. Election.

House District Captains may be elected at the organization meeting or at the first regular central committee meeting.

D. Appointed.

Appointed House District Captains serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

E. Assumption of Resignation

Any House District Captain who fails to attend three (3) consecutive official meetings without prior notification to the Chairman will be considered as having resigned that position to which they were either elected or appointed.

F. Removal

The Executive Committee may remove any House District Captain by majority vote.

G. Vacancies

The Alternate House District Captain, if any, shall finish the unexpired term of the House District Captain. If there is no Alternate House District Captain or they decline to serve, then the Executive Committee may appoint a temporary House District Captain until the next central committee meeting, where by a majority vote of those members voting and present, the central committee shall fill any House District Captain vacancies that arises or exist subsequent to the Organization Meeting.

SECTION 2. Alternate House District Captains

A. Eligibility.

Any registered Republican who is a duly elected or appointed Precinct Committee Person in Multnomah County is eligible to hold position of House District Captain.

B. Duties of Alternate House District Captain

The Alternate House District Captains shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the House District Captain or Chairman. Shall fill in for the House District Captain on any Executive Meeting that House District Captain cannot attend (the Alternate House District Captain shall have a vote when replacing the House District Captain). If there is a vacancy in the House District Captain seat, they shall become the House District Captain for that district, unless they decline.

C. Election.

Alternate House District Captains may be elected at the organization meeting or at the first regular central committee meeting.

D. Appointed.

Appointed House District Captains serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

E. Removal

The Executive Committee may remove any House District Captain by majority vote.

F. Vacancies

he Executive Committee may appoint temporary House District Captain until the next central committee meeting, where by a majority vote of those members voting and present, the central committee shall fill any House District Captain vacancies that arises or exist subsequent to the Organization Meeting.

SECTION 3. Area Leaders

The House District Captain(s) shall appoint area leaders who shall be assigned various responsibilities and assist the HD Captains.

ARTICLE VII. Nominations and Elections

SECTION 1. Nominating Committees

The Nominating Committees shall develop a roster of candidates for all MCRPCC officers and Delegates.

SECTION 2. Other Nominations: Petitions

The MCRPCC Chairman shall accept nominations for inclusion to be sent out with but separate from the roster from the nominating committee, which are submitted in person or by certified mail with a signed statement of “Willingness to Serve,” a petition of nomination bearing the signatures of ten or more PCPs, and provided such nominations are submitted at least 10 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. These individuals will be deemed to be nominated and do not require a floor nomination to be on the ballot.

SECTION 3. Other Nominations: Floor

Nominations shall be allowed from the floor. No one may be nominated unless they have consented to serve. To be nominated for an office, the candidate must be present or have filed with the Chairman, in writing, his/her consent to be nominated.

SECTION 4. The Ballot

A. Biennial Organizational Meeting

There shall be at least four separate ballots: the first for the MCRPCC Chairman; the second for all other MCRPCC Officers; the third for Delegates to the ORP; the fourth for Alternate Delegates to the ORP.

B. Regular or Special Meetings for Bonus Delegates

There shall be at least two separate ballots; the first for Bonus Delegates to the State Convention; and the second for Bonus Alternate Delegates to the State Convention.

SECTION 5. Production and Distribution of Ballots

Nominating committees shall be responsible for printing and distributing ballots following close of nominations from the floor.

Ballots shall be placed in envelopes and distributed to qualified PCPs. PCPs leaving the meeting before the vote is called shall turn their ballots in to the Credentials Committee who shall judge them to be invalid.

SECTION 6. Replacement of Ballots Marked in Error or Ruined

The Chairman of the Credential Committee shall be responsible for the security of the extra supply of ballots. Should any PCP mismark a ballot, it may be surrendered to the Chairman of the Credential Committee and shall be replaced. All surrendered ballots shall be immediately marked “Void” and shall be retained by the Chairman of the Credential Committee for review by the Election Judges.

SECTION 7. Ballot Boxes

Ballots shall be deposited by the voter into ballot boxes. Ballot shall be removed from the ballot boxes only by the appointed Election Judges.

SECTION 8. Counting of Votes

The Chairman shall appoint three Election Judges who shall determine the validity of ballots, supervise counting, and announce the results. The Chairman shall appoint an appropriate number of clerks to count the ballots. Each Officer candidate may appoint one observer to watch the counting of ballots related to the position they are seeking and report to the Election Judges any irregularities of procedure. During the counting and tallying of votes only Election Judges, appointed observers, and clerks shall be present.

SECTION 9. Invalid Ballots

Ballots which are not properly marked shall be deemed by the Election Judges to be invalid only for the position or positions where the error(s) occur. The Election Judges shall make no assumptions as to what the voter intended. All invalid ballots are to be kept separate, counted and included in the Election Judges’ report.

SECTION 10. Number Necessary to Elect and Order of Delegates/Alternates

The Chairman shall be elected by a majority vote. All other positions shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast. If no candidate receives a majority vote for Chairman, there shall be a run-off election between the two candidates who received the most votes. Whenever Delegates and Alternate Delegates are elected pursuant to these Bylaws, both Delegates and Alternates shall be ranked according to the number of votes cast for them at the election, with the person receiving the most votes being ranked first.

SECTION 11. Nominee for Office

Speeches Each nominee for Chairman shall be allotted a total of 5 minutes for speeches and each nominee for other MCRPCC offices shall be allotted a total of 2 minutes. Nominees for the positions of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the ORP or State Convention shall be introduced and have only 1 minute for speeches.


SECTION 1. Staff

Staff may be hired if funds are available. Staff is chosen by the Chairman with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee. Each staff person shall be responsible for duties assigned by the Chairman. A job description shall be given to each staff person at the time of employment.

SECTION 2. Contract Length

The Chairman shall not have the authority to bind a future MCRPCC and no person shall be given an employment contract, oral or written, that extends beyond the next Organizational Meeting.

SECTION 3. Concurrent Service

No person may serve concurrently as an employee of the MCRPCC and as a member of the Executive Committee. However, an Executive Committee member may fill a staff position on a temporary basis not to exceed three months.

SECTION 4. Paid Political Office

In the event that an employee desires to run for paid public office, that employee must resign at the time he/she declares his/her candidacy. An employee may not run for an office or Delegate position of the MCRPCC.

ARTICLE IX. Finances

SECTION 1. Budget

  1. No expenses shall be allowed which are not included in the budget, whether as line item or from contingency as provided in subparagraph B.
  2. The budget shall include a minimum 5% of gross expenses proportional to actual income to be listed as “contingency” which shall be available for party business by the Chairman without consulting the Executive Committee or MCRPCC. This fund cannot be used to circumvent any action (vote) taken by either Executive Committee or MCRPCC.
  3. The Executive Committee may temporarily amend the budget, the central committee will vote on the amended budget at the next regular meeting.
  4. The budget shall be based upon a fiscal year ending December 31st.
  5. Allocation of an expense item to a budget category shall be determined by the Treasurer and/or the Budget Committee.
  6. The Budget shall be submitted to the central committee at the first central committee meeting of the year. If it does not happen in month of January, then the Executive Committee shall meet in January or as soon as is practical and approve of a temporary budget that shall be used until the central committee approves a budget.
  7. The budget must include an amount that the Candidate Assistant Committee can use for that year.
  8. See Article V Section 3(B).

SECTION 2. Expense Allowances

  1. The Budget Committee shall provide a budgeted expense allowance proportional to actual income for the MCRPCC Chairman and Vice Chairman and such other persons as may appear advisable.
  2. Vouchers with itemized expenses, mileage traveled, and purpose of the expense shall be prepared by the individual receiving reimbursement. All expense vouchers for employees shall be approved by the Chairman prior to payment. Vouchers shall be reviewed periodically by elected officers. All items for reimbursement must be submitted to the Treasurer no more than 4 days after purchase. All in-kind contributions must be submitted within 4 days of donation to the Treasurer. However, if the reporting period for the Secretary of State is less than 7 days the deadline to submit those items shall be shortened. The Treasurer will notify the MCRPCC of any shortened deadlines.
  3. All financial forms shall be approved by the Audit and Budget Committees.

SECTION 3. Candidate Assistance

  1. After due consideration, the MCRPCC, the Executive Committee, or the MCRP’s Candidate Assistance Committee, may recruit and financially assist legally qualified candidates in the Primary Election. In any contested race, the Multnomah County Republican Party shall treat legally qualified candidates equally. All Republican Candidates shall have equal access to the use of party records and equipment in a manner to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  2. No MCRPCC funds shall be used to pay for a candidate’s campaign deficit or any part thereof.
  3. The MCRPCC shall financially assist successful Republican Candidates after the Primary Election, for the General Election, as funds are available.


SECTION 1. Recall

A. Scope.

Any Officer, Delegate, Alternate Delegate, House District Captain, or Alternate House District Captain of MCRPCC may be recalled.

B. Petition

A recall petition must be filed with the Secretary signed by 20% of PCPs. The petition must identify who is being recalled and state reasons for being recalled. The Secretary will have 10 days to verify the signatures and that the 20% has been reached. Upon certification, the petitioners will have 10 calendar days to identify a time and place for the recall meeting. This meeting must be held at least 25 calendar days, but not more than 40 calendar days, after the petition is certified. Please See Article V. Meetings Sections 5 Petitioned Meetings.

C. Voting Elegibility.

All elected and appointed PCPs may vote at a recall meeting.

D. Voting Requirement.

A person shall be recalled by a majority vote.

SECTION 2. Procedure.

A. Presiding Officer

  1. The Chairman, if not subject to the recall petition, shall preside.
  2. If the Chairman is subject of the recall petition, or otherwise unable to serve, the Presiding Officer shall be the Vice Chairman.
  3. If the Vice Chairman is also subject to the recall or unable to serve, then the presiding officer shall be a neutral third party.

B. Petitioners

At the meeting, proponents of the recall shall have 20 minutes to use as they desire to present their case for recall.

C. Rights of the Person Being Considered for Recall

  1. After the petitioner’s presentation, 20 minutes shall be allowed for each of the Officers, Delegates, Alternate Delegates, House District Captains, or Alternate House District Captain so named to use as he or she desires, which includes the right to question anyone speaking in favor of recall.
  2. The officials named for removal may also call upon others to speak on their behalf, and persons called upon to speak need not be members of the body.
  3. Those being recalled have the right to speak in rebuttal, speak in their defense, present evidence, and call on others who may not be members of MCRP to speak on their behalf.

D. Additional Discussion/Debate

Additional floor debate shall be limited to 10 minutes for each position in question.

ARTICLE XI. Amending and Suspending Bylaws

Section 1. Amending the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended, altered, revised, or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those PCPs present and voting at any duly called meeting of the MCRPCC provided that (1) notice of the proposed amendment(s), alteration(s), revision(s) and/or repeal shall be given with the official notice of the meeting, and (2) provided a quorum exists.

Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by MCRPCC action, recommendation by the Executive Committee, recommendation of the Bylaws Committee, or by petition signed by not less than 20% of the currently elected or appointed and certified PCPs. In any case, the Secretary shall include a copy of the proposed amendment with the official notice of the meeting.

Section 2. Suspending the Bylaws

Any Section of these Bylaws may be suspended upon vote of the MCRPCC provided that:

  1. The motion to suspend the Bylaws shall enumerate the specific Article and Section to be suspended, and
  2. Shall specify the length of time for which the specified Bylaw is suspended, and
  3. The motion to suspend the Bylaws shall pass on a 2/3 vote of all PCPs on the certified list from County Elections office, and
  4. Suspending the particular Article and Section does not violate the Oregon Republican Party Bylaws or Oregon State Statutes.

Glossary of Terms

CandidateRepublican nominees for partisan elective city, county, state, or federal office in districts situated wholly or in part in Multnomah County during the period between the Organizational Meeting, a Primary Election, and the next General Election.
Central CommitteeMultnomah County Republican Party Central Committee.
Committee DirectorsThe Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer are “Committee Directors” (Legal Liability). [ORP Bylaws state that the Party will follow ORS 248.015 through 248.029.].
Elected RepublicanRepublicans currently serving in partisan elective city, county, state or federal office in districts situated wholly or in part in Multnomah County.
Elected vs. Appointed PCPAn elected PCP may vote for MCRPCC officers at the Organizational Meeting. An appointed PCP may not vote on the election of MCRPCC officers at the Organizational Meeting.
Executive CommitteeSubject to the direction of the MCRPCC, during intervals between MCRPCC meetings, the Executive Committee carries on the business of the MCRP.
House District CaptainThe House District Captain, are leaders elected from within a particular house district who administer programs of material distribution and precinct organization.
Majority VoteOne more than half the votes.
Organizational MeetingBiennial Multnomah County Republican Organizational Meeting.
ORPOregon Republican Party
ORSOregon Revised Statutes
PCPPrecinct Committee Person
PersonnelPaid employees or staff.
Plurality VoteThe largest number of votes for any candidate when three or more choices are possible.
State ConventionOregon Republican Platform Convention

ADOPTED: Monday, November 18th, 2024.

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