The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) has passed a Motion to “write a letter to the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) in support of the Resolution titled ‘In the Matter of Opposing the State of Oregon’s Private Forest Accord’” presented by MCRP Delegate Dick Courter:
“NOW, BEFORE, the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) Leadership Team, sitting for the transaction of Oregon Republican Party business on this 16th day of March, 2024, is the matter of a resolution that the Oregon Republican Party opposes the Private Forest Accord. ORP Leadership makes the following findings:
“Whereas, the Republican Party of Oregon (ORP), stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We seek to ensure justice, order, and domestic tranquility, as one nation under God, our Creator. Without restrictive government, as free people, all Oregonians have the opportunity, through hard work and perseverance, to build a more prosperous future for themselves, their families, and their communities. We believe each generation should teach, proclaim, promote, and defend the essential civic Virtues of our founding.
“Whereas, in 2019, former Governor Kate Brown created a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to which 13 timberland owners, or their representatives, and 13 Environmental Groups signed. This MOU basically called for an 18-month cease-fire between these two groups in hopes of resolving two issues; riparian buffers and aerial spray on private timberland.
“Whereas, negotiations were behind closed doors without public comment or involvement.
“Whereas, the consequence of the negotiations is that during the 2022 legislative session, the State of Oregon, through a legislative supermajority, passed the Private Forest Accord that includes Senate Bill 1501, Senate Bill 1502, and House Bill 4055.
“Whereas, the Private Forest Accord includes applying for a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that increases riparian buffers around waterways on private timberland. These increased buffers are not scientifically proven to increase fish habitat, or fish populations which is their stated intent.
“Whereas, the State of Oregon, through the Private Forest Accord, has devalued private timberland owner’s generational investment by deeming areas of their private property as off-limits, making the natural resources growing on that property worth less.
“Whereas, the State of Oregon, through the Private Forest Accord, has taken private property without just compensation.
“Whereas, the State of Oregon, through the Private Forest Accord, has taken away the right of timberland owners to effectively manage their forests.
“Whereas, the State of Oregon, through the Private Forest Accord, is increasing fire risk by not allowing management and fuel reduction within the increased riparian buffers.
“Whereas, government taking private property without compensation is in direct conflict with the Takings Clause in the Fifth Amendment in our United States Constitution, and in our State of Oregon Bill of Rights Section 18 which states “Private property shall not be taken for public use without such compensation first assessed and tendered.”
“Whereas, the adopted ORP Platform states, 6. Natural Resources and Environmental Stewardship; We believe that our government exists by the consent of the governed and supports a free market system with minimal regulation. Property owners and local citizens are the best stewards of Oregon’s natural resources.
“Whereas, the adopted ORP Platform states, 6.1. We support multiple uses of our public lands and waters with minimal governmental interference. This includes, but is not limited to, agriculture, logging, mining, tourism, recreation, hunting, and fishing.
“Whereas, the adopted ORP Platform states 6.2. We support and encourage the transfer of federally administered lands back to state, local and private control, as provided for in the Act of Congress Admitting Oregon into the Union of 1859 (Enabling Act).
“Whereas, the adopted ORP Platform states 6.3. We strongly support and encourage the use of ongoing, active, and effective Coordination, as defined by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, to ensure federal projects are consistent with local plans, economy, culture, and history.
“Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Oregon Republican Party opposes the State of Oregon’s Private Forest Accord as written, and
“Therefore, be it resolved that the Oregon Republican Party opposes filing through the Oregon Department of Forestry in partnership with Federal Services US Fish and Wildlife and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Fisheries ) for a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) on the behalf of private timberland owners, and
“Therefore, be it resolved that the Oregon Republican Party opposes our government taking private property without compensation.”
— Motion passed by the MCRP Executive Committee on Monday, March 4th, 2024.
The MCRP Secretary submitted a formal endorsement and letter of support for Dick Courter’s proposed Resolution on Sunday, March 10th. The ORP Secretary thanked the MCRP for the endorsement letter, but indicated that it would not presented at the SCC due to time constraints.
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