Multnomah County Republican Party

Values & Platform

Core Values

We are Republicans Because…

WE BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored.

WE BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age, or ability.

WE BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth, and prosperity.

WE BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

WE BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best government is that which governs least.

WE BELIEVE the most effective, responsible, and responsive government is the government closest to the people.

WE BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

WE BELIEVE in America’s value and that we should preserve our national strength and dignity while working to extend peace, freedom, and human rights throughout the world.

FINALLY, we are Republicans because we believe that Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

We’re proud to be Americans, and we’re proud to be Republicans.

Oregon Republican Party 2023 Platform Summary

As Amended October 21st, 2023

1. Preamble

We, the Republican Party of Oregon, stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We seek to ensure justice, order, and domestic tranquility, as one nation under God, our Creator. Without restrictive government, as free people, all Oregonians have the opportunity, through hard work and perseverance, to build a more prosperous future for themselves, their families, and their communities. We believe each generation should teach, proclaim, promote, and defend the essential civic Virtues of our founding. We encourage all citizens to work with us to elect ethical and accountable candidates who align with our ideals. This platform outlines our guiding principles, and our vision of the role and scope of our Constitutional Republic, the protection of individual rights, and the responsibilities we have to ourselves, each other, and our Country. We are committed to securing these ideals for future generations.

2. Election

Integrity Secure, accurate, transparent, and free elections are essential to a government of ‘We the People’.

3. Law and Criminal Justice

The U.S. Constitution and the Oregon Constitution are the highest laws of the land, and all other laws must be consistent with them. Laws for the punishment of crime shall be founded on these principles: protection of society, preservation of the rights of crime victims, accountability for one’s actions, and criminal rehabilitation.

4. Economy

The Oregon Republican Party believes that free market capitalism, private property rights, low taxation, minimal regulation, and limited government intervention are the foundations of a vibrant and prosperous economy.

5. Education

The Oregon Republican Party believes that all children deserve a safe, excellent, quality, and unbiased education. Parents/legal guardians have the primary right and responsibility to educate their children in the manner they choose. Oregon’s public education system, in partnership with parents/legal guardians, must improve to ensure that all our children have the opportunity and tools to be successful in life and be responsible citizens of our state and nation. We support independent decision-making by homeschoolers, private schools, and religious schools. The following principles apply to taxpayer-funded government education institutions.

6. Natural

Resources and Environmental Stewardship We believe that our government exists by the consent of the governed and support a free market system with minimal regulation. Property owners and local citizens are the best stewards of Oregon’s natural resources. We do not support foreign ownership of real property.

7. Family

The Oregon Republican Party believes that the traditional family, formed through the marriage of one man and one woman, is ordained by God our Creator and is the foundation of our society. This environment is optimal for raising children to be responsible, self-sufficient, moral, and productive citizens.

8. Foreign Policy

Foreign policy decisions must adhere to the United States Constitution, based upon the security, vital long-term national interests, sovereignty, and well-being of its citizens. We support the policy of America First, Peace Through Strength.

9. Health Care

Families and individuals have the sole responsibility and right to make their own healthcare decisions, including the use of the free market system. This is the surest way to provide healthcare that protects the patient-provider relationships and promotes individual freedom.

10. Immigration

The Oregon Republican Party recognizes and values the many contributions of legal immigrants; hence, we encourage legal immigration and assimilation, including the adoption of English as the official language. We also recognize that securing our national borders is essential to ensuring the sovereignty and safety of our state; therefore, all private and publicly funded entities shall comply with federal immigration laws and cooperate with their enforcement.

11. Individual Liberty and Limited Government

The Oregon Republican Party agrees with our nation’s founders that the People’s inalienable rights are endowed by our Creator and that government without the consent of the governed is tyranny. Liberty is the intersection of freedom and morality; it is our duty to support liberty within our state. No government shall infringe upon our individual rights and freedoms such as bodily autonomy from conception to natural death, medical freedom, and ownership of private property. Nor shall the government infringe upon the security of the people’s private communications, transactions, or movements.

12. Rules, Regulations and Executive Orders

The Oregon Republican Party believes rules, regulations and executive orders are subordinate to the laws passed thru the legislative process and shall be congruent with the Oregon and United States Constitutions. They shall not impose undue burden or loss of freedoms to individuals, families, or natural rights.

13. Self-Protection

All people have the unalienable right to defend themselves, others, their home, and property without fear of criminal or civil reprisal.

14. Veterans and Military Personnel

The Oregon Republican Party supports a military force of sufficient strength and readiness to deter any threat to our national sovereignty or to the safety and freedom of our citizens. We support Veterans, Gold Star Families, the Reserve Component (National Guard/Reserves), disabled veterans, military families, and honor them for their sacrifices. We honor all who have served. We share the same devotion to Veterans, their families, and to the uniformed services who are currently serving our country.

15. Government Integrity

The Oregon Republican Party believes in limited, responsible, and transparent government at all levels is essential.

16. Religious Liberty

Freedom of religion and the rights of conscience are unalienable rights ordained by God, our Creator and are the foundation of our society which no Government can limit or remove. Laws consistent with the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions shall accommodate and protect these rights.

17. Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

The primary role of disaster preparedness is the reduction of disaster impact, both natural and man-made, on the civilian population, infrastructure, private property, and the economy.

18. Energy

The Oregon Republican Party supports energy choice that includes access to affordable, reliable, domestically produced energy from a diverse range of sources which is vital to the freedom, prosperity, and security of our citizens.

Released November 4th, 2023

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