Multnomah County Republican Party
“Freedom is … never more than one generation away from extinction.”Ronald Reagan (40th U.S. President)Inaugural Address, Jan 5th, 1967
“Freedom is … never more than one generation away from extinction.”
We’ve made it easier than ever for you to tell us you are interested in becoming involved by filling out the volunteer form below and optionally indicating your interests and skills.
First name*
Last name*
Address (line 1)*
Address (line 2)
ZIP Code*
How long have you lived in Multnomah County (MultCo)?
Have you been a registered Republican in Oregon for the last 180 days? YesNo
What is (or was) your profession?
What are your interests and hobbies?
What is your past political experience?
I am interested in learning more about becoming an appointed PCP* YesNo
Please check all volunteer areas that apply Volunteer for Special Events (help at fair booths, etc.)End Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the like in local schoolsGet Out The Vote at election timeDoor knocking for candidates and the Republican PartyCandidate recruitment / supportCampaign finance / fundraising for good candidatesWebsite & Social media (research, write, photography, edit, etc.)Initiative measures / direct democracySecond-Amendment promotion (gun issues)Abortion issues (promoting life in a number of ways)Promote free speech / First Amendment preservation and protectionTaxation / economic issuesOther (specify below)
Other volunteer areas that I’d like to help with:
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