Multnomah County Republican Party

Press Releases

  • MCRP Opposes Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV)

    2024 General Election Measure HB2004

    Argument in Opposition

    by Joseph Whitcomb, Chairman, Multnomah County Republicans

    Multnomah County Republicans urge a NO vote on Measure HB2004, which establishes Ranked-choice Voting (RCV) for the state of Oregon. We oppose Ranked-choice Voting because it is confusing, centralizes control, can delay results, and will reduce turnout among less-engaged voters.

  • Chairman’s Response to the Attack on President Trump

    Today more than ever, we the Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) give our support to former President and current candidate for U.S. President, Donald J. Trump. We thank our Lord God and Savior Jesus for keeping Trump safe today, and we pray for those who were injured and for the family of those who lost their life because of hateful people.

    God Bless Us All! Amen!

    MCRP Chair Joseph Whitcomb
    July 13th, 2024

  • Endorsement of Resolution Opposing Oregon’s Private Forest Accord

    The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) has passed a Motion to “write a letter to the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) in support of the Resolution titled ‘In the Matter of Opposing the State of Oregon’s Private Forest Accord’” presented by MCRP Delegate Dick Courter:

  • Resolution on Voter Ballots

    Whereas, the validity of past elections is in question, and to ensure future election integrity;

  • Resolution: Voters Declaration of Independence from Voting Machines

    Whereas: There are increasing concerns that China is an enemy of the United States due to its threats to attack and take over Taiwan. [1]

    Whereas: The Department of Defense in January of 2021 banned any telecommunications and other critical equipment that contained components supplied by the People’s Republic of China or the Russian Federation because they are a threat to National Security. [2]

  • Resolution: National Committee Person Term Limits

    Resolved, That our national committee person shall serve for only two terms (eight years) before retiring.

  • Resolution: National Committee Man or Woman and Officer Disclosures

    Resolved, That our national committee man or woman and the elected officers must disclose any candidate, group, or financial interest that they represent that would be a conflict of interest to the Oregon Republican Party (ORP).
