Multnomah County Republican Party

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ORP Delegate & Congressional District Convention Results for Multnomah County

  1. ORP Delegates & Alt Delegates to the RNC (includ. Cmte Members to the RNC)
  2. Oregon Presidential Electors
  3. Congressional District (CD) Officers

On Saturday, May 25th, 2024, the Oregon Republican Party (ORP) gathered for the State Delegate Selection Convention and Congressional District (CD) Convention at the Oregon State Fair & Exposition Center in Salem, Oregon.

At the Conventions, the Oregon’s elected Precinct Committeepersons (PCPs) elected Delegates (and Alternate Delegates) to represent Oregon’s Republicans at the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) National Convention, which will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from Monday, July 15th through Thursday, July 18th, 2024.

The elected Delegation proceeded to elect Oregon’s Presidential Electors, who will vote for President Donald J. Trump and the Republican candidate for Vice-President on December 17th, 2024 (which must take place after the Popular Vote on November 5th).

Finally, officers for each of Oregon’s six Congressional Districts were elected to represent the Republican residents in our state.

1. Oregon Republican Party’s (ORP) Delegates to the Republican National Committee (RNC) National Convention

  • Chairman Justin Hwang
  • National Committeewoman Tracy Honl
  • National Committeeman Solomon Yue

Delegates for Multnomah County:

  • Kevin Hoar, Delegate At Large for Multnomah County
  • Alex Paul, Alternate Delegate At Large for Multnomah County

Delegates for Congressional Districts (CDs) overlapping Multnomah County:

Congressional District (CD) 1 Delegates:
  • Dick Courter
  • Todd Morrill
  • Dr. Robin Sielaff
CD1 Alternate Delegates:
  • Dan Mason
  • Jerry Cummings
  • Christian Honl
CD3 Delegates:
  • Janice Dysinger
  • Kevin Moss
  • Bob Spicher
CD3 Alternate Delegates:
  • Brian Schmidtke
  • Matt Wand
  • Stan Pulliam
CD5 Delegates:
  • Joanna Harbour
  • Joel Palowski
  • Troy Smith
CD5 Alternate Delegates:
  • Connie Norman
  • Sue Leslie
  • Monique Boschler

Committee Members to the RNC National Convention:

The following were elected by the ORP Delegation to the RNC National Convention.

  • Platform Committee: Tracy Honl and Brian Biship
  • Rules Committee: Senator David Brock Smith and Sheri Brady
  • Credentials Committee: Kevin Moss and Jessica Davidson
  • Permanent Organization: Mike Slagle and Helen Heller

2. Oregon’s Presidential Electors

The following eight people will be part of the nationwide Electoral College voting for Donald J. Trump when he wins the popular vote in Oregon for President of the United States.

  • Tyler Smith (Clackamas County)
  • Helen Heller (Washington County)
  • Angelita Sanchez (Linn County)
  • Gabriel Buehler (Washington County)
  • Stephen Joncus (Clackamas County)
  • Jo Rae Perkins (Linn County)
  • Don Powers (Clackamas County)
  • Dan Mason (Linn County)

3. Congressional District (CD) Officers for CDs overlapping Multnomah County:

Congressional District (CD) 1
  • Chair: Christian Honl
  • Vice Chair: Robin Sielaff
  • Alt. Chair: Jerry Cummings
  • Alt. Vice Chair: Todd Morrill
  • Secretary: Dick Couter
  • Treasurer: Glenn Miller
CD 3
  • Chair: Kevin Moss
  • Vice Chair: Dani Correa
  • Alt. Chair: Rick Larson
  • Alt. Vice Chair: Curt Schulz
  • Secretary: LaJuana Decker
  • Treasurer: Judy Masterson
CD 5
  • Chair: Jon Wright
  • Vice Chair: Angelita Sanchez
  • Alt. Chair: Dan Tooze
  • Alt. Vice Chair: Tricia Hafner
  • Secretary: Contessa Mendoza
  • Treasurer: Karen Banks


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