DID YOU KNOW that Rank Choice Voting (RCV) requires you to vote for at least three candidates for each office, and you’ll need to rank them in your preferred order?
What does that even mean for election outcomes?
How will you make your vote count?
Join us for an eye-opening, educational evening.
Send questions for the evening to the MCRP.
ASK Multnomah County Elections your toughest questions about Rank-Choice Voting (RCV, also known as Instant Runoff):
DOWNLOAD a printable PDF flyer for this event.
Coming this August
The Johnson Center in Columbia Christian School, 9101 E Burnside St, Portland, OR 97216.
Presenting: Tim Scott, Director of the Multnomah County Elections Division.
Questions moderator: Congressman Ed Diehl (District 17),
Host: The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP)
How Much?
$10 suggested donation is appreciated to cover room costs. Attendance is sponsored by the MCRP.

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